
02 aprile, 2009

G20 London

mikhasya1976 (29 minuti fa)
I am proud of people in London, i am from RussiaUnite and strike angaist greedy monetary system and corporations.
jeepndesert (54 minuti fa)
it isn't anti-capitalists protesting. it is pretty against government, the central banks, and big corporations robbing the people.
CEMSES (3 ore fa)
Fuck you son of a bich ! Cock sucker ! What the fuck you gettin embarresed ,bitch ! I am proud of people in London....Go get a life ,mother fucker ! Michigan supports you Guys ...Fuck Capitalism !
tjrakkaeder (6 ore fa)
Learn to spell and stop embarrassing* your nation.
skunkace (6 ore fa)
Updated 1.23am One man has died amongst the protest!....No doubt it was from a police baton!

Sopra alcuni commenti da youtube, l'ultimo sostiene che un uomo Γ¨ morto , ucciso dalla polizia londinese!,difendere coloro che derubano la gente da anni, coloro che hanno portato al collasso l'economia mondiale, uccidendo i protestanti....beh...questo si che Γ¨... l'inizio della fine!!!

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