
13 marzo, 2010

The question is...Cui Prodest?

L'informazione c'Γ¨ sempre stata, sotto gli occhi di tutti, basta con tutta questa ipocrisia, necessita solo "open your minds" e talvolta cambiare le fonti, per esempio: Corriere della sera = Financial Time...La Stampa\Wall Street Journal, o in caso di incomprensibili limiti di lingua si dia attenzione al giornale Milano & Finanza (agli amici siciliani di Termini Imerese: News M&F del 13\03\2010-Fiat sale con mercato auto Usa visto su di giri-)
Meglio ancora cercando delle fonti meno blasonate ma sempre sul mercato finanziario... e il gioco è fatto! d'altronde parte tutto da lì..."cui prodest" (chi ci guadagna, o più correttamente dal latino: a chi giova)
...seguono alcune informazioni recenti su tendenze finanziarie, orientamenti di mercato di nazioni intere...seguendo questa linea nessuno potrΓ  piΓΉ affermare di non capire, PUNTO.
March 12, 2010 - The Scramble for Africa: Profiting From World’s Largest Cache of Commodities -
In the quarter century stretching from the late-1880s to the First World War, there was a mad rush by the world's leading powers to occupy and annex African territory. Now, 100 years later, the world's elite again are to make their respective marks on the continent.
The methods of extraction have changed, but the end goal remains the same - to gain access to Africa's coveted bounty of commodities.
Most notably, Chinese interests have swarmed Africa, constructing roads, rail lines, municipal buildings, schools, ports, and pipelines in exchange for access to natural resources
Investing in Africa
Africa's potential is so great that investors should actually prefer it to China because its stocks are significantly undervalued, Jens Schleuniger, manager of the Deutsche Bank DWS Invest Africa LC fund, told Reuters in an interview....(make your reserch)
March 12, 2010 U.S., Britain Say EU Proposals Will Damage Hedge Fund Industry
The European Union (EU) on Thursday defended its sweeping hedge-fund reform proposals against criticism from the United States and Britain.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy Friday in hopes of compromising on the proposed regulation.
Many EU countries are determined to change the hedge fund industry, which is often murky. The use of derivatives, such as credit-default swaps have been linked to the downfall of Lehman Bros. and exacerbating Greece's sovereign debt difficulties.
Talvolta puΓ² essere interessante sentire anche la voce dei Brokers:
Recent article, gold expert Peter Schiff write:
The U.S. Treasury Dept. has officially approved an historic switch.
Starting days from now, you’ll be able to exchange regular paper dollars for a more valuable form of money.
Experts are calling America’s new legal currency “Gold Dollars.”
Because each “dollar” is backed by one gram of pure, 24-karat gold…
You’ll be able to use this money just like regular dollars. You can buy anything from shoes to wine, cars to houses. The only difference? Since the money is backed by physical gold (stored in Fort Knox-like security), it could prove the smartest “investment” you ever make.
The purchasing power of each “dollar” goes UP whenever gold rises. That means…
-You can get richer… every time Congress passes another trillion-dollar spending package, fueling inflation…
-You can get richer… every time the world flees into gold thanks to geopolitical instability (think North Korea successfully testing a nuclear bomb)…
-You can get richer… every time massive hedge funds and Wall Street firms pile into gold to hedge their equity positions…
-You can get richer… every time countries like China move out of the U.S. dollar and buy massive quantities of gold, like the 1,054 tons they now hold.
And considering where gold is likely headed, this could be the perfect time to change some money over to the new currency.
As Reuters reported March 9: “Gold may reach $2,000 an ounce in the next year if the dollar falls [further].”
Richard Russell wrote in his Dow Theory Letters on May 19: “Gold seems on a roll now.”
Dennis Gartman said on May 20 that “the dollar does look vulnerable… if this persists, commodity prices generally shall rise, and gold shall too.” And MarketWatch now reports that gold could be on the verge of a “historic breakout.”

PIU' CHIARO DI COSI'...ahahahah...bye bye :-)

Articolo correlato:
L'Economista e Storico Webster Tarpley, ospite dell'Alex Jones Show (see the video here)
Analizza gli ultimi sviluppi della crisi economica e finanziaria internazionale, evidenziando inoltre le attivitΓ  dell'Elite bancaria mondiale nel quadro dell'ultimo scandalo in ordine di tempo, il "Bankster-Gate", che rischia di travolgere personaggi di primissimo livello nell'ambito dell'Intelligentsia bancaria d'America.

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