
14 settembre, 2016

Le soi et l'Autre, le Secret Supreme - Kashmir Shaivism - Pratyabhijñā - Abhinavagupta - Swami Lakshmanjoo

Le Soi et l’Autre.Identité, différence et altérité dans la philosophie de la Pratyabhijñā [Sanskrit: प्रत्यभिज्ञा ] Isabelle Ratié. Recent scholarship on Śaivism has significantly expanded our knowledge of the religious dimensions of Medieval Śaiva movements. However, the philosophical aspects displayed by some of the texts produced in these milieux remain largely unrecognized. The present study helps fill this lacuna by exploring the sophisticated and original philosophical system elaborated by the Kashmiri Śaiva nondualists Utpaladeva (fl. c. 925-975) and Abhinavagupta (fl. c. 975-1025). The book shows that this system cannot be reduced to a mere scriptural exegesis and examines the genesis of the main concepts found in the Pratyabhijñā (“Recognition”) philosophy while taking into account the complexity of the philosophical field (already occupied by various currents, Buddhist as well as Brahmanical) in which Utpaladeva’s thought was developed.
The book: http://www.brill.com/le-soi-et-l-autre Pratyabhijñā: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratyabhijna "Méditer, c'est entrer en soi sans quitter le monde. Citation de Robert Sabatier ; Le livre de la déraison souriante (1991)". La seule passion qui naît avec l'homme et ne le quitte jamais est l'amour de soi. Citation de Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; Émile, ou De l'éducation (1762).
Kashmir Shaivism ॐ The Secret Supreme * "God does not play dice" –Albert Einstein "Not only does God play dice, he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen" –Stephen Hawking KASHMIR SHAIVISM: from Abhinavagupta to Swami Lakshmanjoo "... when the Iron Age (Kali Yuga) was sufficiently advanced, the sages who were in the possession of the Shaiva Tantric traditions, retired to places inaccessible to ordinary mortals." - Abhinavagupta: A Historical & Philosophical Study "Kashmir Shaivism is the culmination of Indian thought and spirituality." - Jaideva Singh's final testament at the end of his life; quoted from Abhinavagupta: Paratrisika-
Vivarana, The Secret of Tantric Mysticism. Abhinavagupta —990 / 1015 A.D. Kashmir A partially quoting of a description given by one of Abhinavagupta’s pupils which is translated by Professor Dr. Kanti Chandra Pandey in his wonderful book ‘Abhinavagupta, An Historical and Philosophical Study’: “…Abhinavagupta…has come to Kashmir out of deep compassion…His eyes are rolling with spiritual bliss… His luxuriant hair is tied with a garland of flowers. His beard is long. His body is rosy… He is dressed in silk-cloth, white like the rays of the Moon, and is sitting in the Yogic posture … on a soft cushion over a throne of gold with a canopy, decked with strings of pearls, in an open hall – full of crystals, beautified by paintings, smelling extremely sweet on account of garlands of flowers, incense and lamps, perfumed with sandal etc., constantly resonant with vocal and instrumental music and dance, and crowded with female ascetics and saints of recognized spiritual power, - in the center of a garden of grapes.”

 Abhinavagupta (c. 950 – 1016 AD[1][2]) was a philosopher, mystic and aesthetician from Kashmir.[3] He was also considered an influential musician, poet, dramatist, exegete, theologian, and logician[4][5] – a polymathic personality who exercised strong influences on Indian culture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhinavagupta "God and the individual are one. To realize this is the essence of Shaivism" — Swami Lakshmanjoo — "This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." —Swami Lakshmanjoo, The Shiva Sutras— "Kundalini sakti is the concealing and revealing energy of Lord Shiva. Para (supreme) kundalini is the heart and existence of Shiva, in fact it is the life and glory of Shiva, it is Shiva himself" http://www.lakshmanjooacademy.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshman_Joo 

Trika philosophy is situated in the heart of that supreme energy of God consciousness. It teaches you to realize that this whole objective world, which is already in front of you, is not separate from God consciousness. You do not have to realize God situated in some seventh heaven. God and the individual are one, to realize this is the essence of Shaivism. Kashmir Shaivism, The Secret Supreme Related link: The Secret Supreme, by Swami Lakshmanjoo

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"L'idea della divinità, è l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel