
03 settembre, 2016

The heart vibratory movement is called ananda-sakti

It is explained thus—The heart of a person, shedding of its attitude of indifference while listening to the sweet sounds of a song or while feeling the delightful touch of something like sandalpaste, immediately starts a wonderful vibratory movement. (This) is called ananda-sakti and because of its presence the person concerned is considered to have a heart (in their body) -Tantraloka, III.209-10-

The path and the way, the processes by which we get illumined, lie in Tantra. In "Articles by Babaji Bob Kindler".

Aham (letteralmente "io") è il concetto di Realtà suprema inteso come "cuore". È considerato come lo spazio non duale interno a Siva, e anche come il supporto dell'intera manifestazione, il supremo mantra, identico a Sakti. From Kashmir Shaivism.

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"L'idea della divinitΓ , Γ¨ l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel