
26 ottobre, 2022

Everytime you go to sleep, you go home!

Dolores Cannon, Between death and life, pag. 18://///////////////////////////////////In my work I have discovered that most people are not aware that everyone travels out of the body every night when they go to sleep. The body is the part that gets tired and must rest; spirit or soul never requires to sleep. It would be awfull boring for the 'real' you, the spirit, to wait around for the body wake up so it could continue its work. So while the body is sleeping, the real you is going off and having all kinds of adventures. It can travel all over the Earth, spend time on the spirit side or even go to other planets or dimensions. The person is normaly not aware of this unless they remember dreams [...].///////////////////////// That's why SLEEPING ITS A HUMAN RIGHT! SO STOP SLEEP DEPRIVATION VERSUS ME!!!!! The true reality its going on while the sleeping time!! This world is an illusion made up by the consciousness trought the senses, only 5% of the conscious mind perceving material reality! I want to sleep!!!! Stop this kind of torture versus me!!!

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"L'idea della divinitΓ , Γ¨ l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel