
05 giugno, 2016

Dimensions of Universe - The Aim of Yoga

According to vedic physics, space inside our universe is multidimensional. There are 64 main dimensions and each dimension is further divided into many sub-dimensions. Since the inhabitants of earth can perceive three dimensions, their senses have no access to many other realms of universal reality.
It is said that through the ancient process of yoga (specifically kriya yoga), one can obtains access to other dimensions, he can perform unusual activities.
A yogi can achieve 8 mystical perfections. Each perfection gives him access to 8 additional dimensions. Thus by achieving all eight perfections, a yogi obtains acces to all the 64 (8*8) dimensions making his body unaffected by space time bound physicals laws.*** ***
"The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means to joke or join; as such, Yoga signifies the union of the individual soul with universal consciousness or, in the language of the Upanishads, with the uncreated, all-pervading Brahman. In other words, the spiritual practices, classified under the general name Yoga, constitute different methods for the attainment of spiritual objectives, for verifying the doctrines formulated by prophets and sages, and for experiencing the Transcendent. Yoga is not something different or divorced from religion. It is the experimental part of it, offering ways and means to the properly qualified aspirants, prepared to undergo the discipline and to follow the method suggested, to prove for themselves the validity of religious doctrines and the results attained by those who successfully pursued the path prescribed.
Yoga, as the empirical part of religion, is especially valuable in this age of reason as the growing intellect of the race demands some proof for the existence of the Transcendent Reality within the universe.... The validity of Yoga in its various forms as a tested method for gaining spiritual experience has never been doubted.
In one form or another Yoga, mental discipline and physical exercises combined, has been in vogue in different parts of the earth from time immemorial, forming a part of primitive cults and creeds as a means of easy approach to the Divine. And, divested of the superstition and myth that surround all religions, Yoga contains absolutely nothing that can be abhorrent to any faith or creed. On the other hand, it uses most of the methods advocated by the founders of great religions, mystics, and sages as a means to God-consciousness and to render the body a fit vehicle for spiritual illumination.
Yoga provides methods for the attestation of spiritual truths, but the laboratory is the man himself. The real aim of Yoga is not to cause an obstruction in the normal flow of thought by sustained efforts of concentration, but to open new areas of perception in the brain capable of manifesting a transhuman state of consciousness... The aim of Yoga is to accelerate a natural process, already at work in the human organism: to mold the brain to a higher state of awareness. There is no recognition among present-day psychologists of the obvious fact that the human brain is still evolving toward a yet unknown destination."
From.. "Kundalini, The Segret of Yoga" - Gopi Krishna - Krishna Gopi biography: http://www.om-guru.com/html/saints/gopi.html

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"L'idea della divinitΓ , Γ¨ l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel