
03 giugno, 2016

Sivalinga or Phallus and Vatican segrets

All life from this planet come from Siva lingam, a black metrorite stone. Sivalinga spewed first DNA on Earth  -Educational Health Hinduism India Lifestyle News Science.

Sivalinga (Phallus) A Historical background.
Since time out of time, Sivalinga (an image of the erect penis of Lord Siva as a symbol of generative and creative energy) was prevalent not only in the orient courtiers but also in the occident ones. The scriptures of Rome and Greece speak volumes for the worship of the Phallus. In Egypt, a deity named Osirish is considered to be the presiding deity of the river, Nile. In the ancient Chinese and Japanese literatures, the phallus-adoration finds expression. The fifteenth chapter of the Old Testament of the Bible refers to the pillar of fire resembling the linga. This sort of idol-worship led to a cult which came to be know as phallicism.Sir John Marshall is of the opinion that Saivadharma refers to Chalcolithic age or the prehistorical age. On the other hand, in India, the worhsipping of the phallus had already been introduced in the remote past. In according with Siva Purana and other religious scriptures counting in the excavation of Mohan Jodaro, some significant strings of information surface that of yore, people used to worship the linga and its continuity had not shattered even then.
The linga is vertically carved out of stone in a general way. This structure consists of tri-part. The base is square with a pedestral. Herein a vertical round shaped stone is installed. The sky is considered  to be the phallus; the earth is its background and the remaining portion are said to be those of the great deities. According to the etymological meaning of Samskrta term, "Linga" everything animate or inanimate is merged into it, this is why it is called linga. Even in the age of science, a mathematician of international repute has demonstrated that the blue unknown firmament is a curve which is the form of linga. Time, space and matter are said to be the linga where from the entire world is created. In other words, a straight line does not have existence without a curve.
The penis and the vagina (linga and yoni) are the primal mysteries of the creation. There is no possibility of the creation without the combination of Prakrti and Purusa or the coition of male and female organs. It also consists of sattva (the preponderance of Sattva renders one contemplative, righteous self-denying and benevolent); rajas (just Rajas leads him to lead life full of quick and energetic activity); and tamas ( Tamas gives rise to evil passion and bad thoughts, ignorance, vanity, greed). Grains like wheat, barley sprout in a particular portion of a plant and the very portion is called vagina.

Siva and Sakti, God and illusion or mysterious power (Maya), Purasa and Prakrti are initial cause of the creation.
According to Tantrasastra, the vagina is said to be triangular and the penis central. There arises no question  pf separation of their close relation. According to the scriptures, there are different types of phalluses which run thus:

1 Gandhalinga
2 Puspalinga
3 Goskarilinga
4 Rajomayalinga
5 Yavagodhumashalijalinga
6 Sitakhandamaya linga
7 Lavanajalingas and what not

Harendr Upadhyay: "Hindu Gods Goddesses, spiritual and scientific approach"

"India is the cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition. The most valuable historical treasures of manking are stored up in India"
Mark Twain

*The word Vatican itself derived from the Sanskrit word Vatika, which means Vedic religious centers, such as Yagna-Vatika.
*Vatican St Peter's cathedral was built on top of a Siva temple. A Sivalinga relict is inside the Vatican yet today (the Phallus of the picture)
*The word Christianity come from the Sanskrit words Krishna Neeti (the way of Krishna)
*Both Islam and Christian come from Indu religion

Vatican has buried more than 8000 of modern Nostradamus Edgar Cayce's reading. All missing readings deal with Indian Vedas. But the reading in which it said that Jesus has been in India learning Vedanta is still available.
It was by specific request that out of 12 Jesus's disciplines, one St Thomas come to Kerala, and the other St Peter went to Vatican, where there was a powerful Siva linga temple.
The rest 10 disciplines did not venture out of Palestine. The missing readings also deal with what Cayce's said about Vedanta concepts like Chakras, Kundalini, Indian horoscopos, Astrology, Holistic Ayurveda, Akashik records, Mantra et cetera.

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