
03 giugno, 2016

Trinity spirits hold this world, not a computer code, it may spy.

You can't observe the Quantum world or could Trascend the senses and limitation of space-time without activating your pineal gland.
Doesn't matter then now they try to explain to all how the universe work if you still don't know how your mind work, the pineal gland is the key. It open your mind to spiritual knowledges, what the "empire vatican" don't like people do, they want to control indeed there is a pineal gland rapresentative statue in Vatican entrance. The Chemtrails are technology boring your pineal gland, the HAARP as well, the fluoride is the most dangerous chemical product used to control the people. Firsly have to clean up this, then you can open your mind to the quantum knowledges.

Anyway.. Our world as a hologram? Yes, it is, supported by Trinity spirits. The whole Universe is made up of consciousness. Consciousness come from God and all the human beens (which are gods growing) are involved, doesn't come from a computer, but that so called Arconti infected the humanity and then they are trying to code everything, may they did, they are master in this technology; they want people believe that God doesn't exist, so I understand, its just energy in the Universe, and it is, but actually, who support this world, this hologram, are who made up it, are the Trinity spirits incarnate right here, as always, to connect the hologram, we can said. This is what we do, we hold this reality. "Siva is a Primordial God but He's as well, part of the Trinity". This is the reason why my spirit have an important rule even in the material world. It's my mind that created and hold the things, but if you don't open your "pineal gland mind", you can't understand one of those words. Siva.

The scientists have discovered the "God Particle Higg Boson" and they said that the entire universe is made up of this. It is a field, and this field is energy. It gives shape to the planets, stars and everything (This sound so familiar to someone who has studied Vedanta, or someone who has experienced deep meditation).
God show by quantum mechanics scientists, that after so many years and research they are finally graduating and graspin the knowledge of subatomic particle Higgs Boson (Paramanu) with the help of their bilions tech toys, something which wasn't need because it is on the Veda's literature. (scientist.. more then that you don't find).

CERN. At the Cern super collider in Switzerland, the dancing Siva Nataraja's statue occupied pride of place. None of the intelligent quantum scientists are stupid enough to install the statue of a graveyard corpse eating Aghori there. They have done it because they are doing his "dance experiment".

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"L'idea della divinitΓ , Γ¨ l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel