
11 maggio, 2019

Bliss to Krishna Das and all devotees

Om Namah Shivaya - Krishna Das Live! ----- This video was shot in New York City at the Church Of St. Paul & St. Andrew in October 2013 ------ Bliss to Krishna Das and all devotees, ŚIVA. ----- Related link: Shiva Puja & Chant (OM NAMAH SHIVAAYA) Extended - Krishna Das ΰ₯SIA LODE AL DIO AL CUI APRIRSI E CHIUDERSI DI CIGLIA L'UNIVERSO SORGE E SI DISSOLVE(Spandakarika)NULLA ESISTE CHE NON SIA ŚIVA(Svacchanda Tantra)ΰ₯ BLISS..

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"L'idea della divinitΓ , Γ¨ l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel