🕉 La civiltà odierna deve tener conto di questo fattore per proseguire correttamente la sua evoluzione; perché nelle 'vesti del bene' oggi gli asura diventano educatori, politici, ed influencer di vario genere. Pertanto non bisogna credere alle apparenze, né tantomeno alle presunte evidenze.., gli obbiettivi da raggiungere sono le conoscenze. Con queste si sconfigge il male 🕉

Il Mio Grande Amore Parvati ॐ

ॐ Onore a Te, Divina Parvati Dolce Dea dell'Universo Sono in cammino verso di Te Dove sei?.. tra lo spazio temporale Sei n...

14 ottobre, 2023

Aigiri Nandini | Mahishasura Mardini | Rajalakshmee Sanjay | महिषासुर मर्दिनी स्तोत्र - FREE THE GODDESS

"The benign Goddess Durgha is the Supreme Power of the multi-dimensional cosmos. At the beginning, the creation emanated from Her lustrous appearance and at the end gets dissolved in Her. [...] She is said to be the great creator, observer and annihilator as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesa have emerged from the fountain-head of Her appearance. She being the fulcrum of Prakrti (illusion [matter]) is the Goddess of Maya." From: Hindu Gods Goddesses - Spritual and scientific approach - by Harendr Upadhyay. Pilgrims pubblishing, Varanasi. FREE THE GODDESS - Starting day Goddess Durgha celebrations is 15 October, so let's SING FOR THE MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE!FREE THE GODDESS. - Free the Goddess is a message - Ps. 348 milions views video... this make me think that most people knows who is THE CREATOR AND PROTECTOR OF THE UNIVERSE even in the 'dogmatic times': A Goddess, female divine part of Shiva (Shakti) which is the truly creator of everything!. Not Shiva, but Parvati creates; not Brahma but Saraswati creates and so on... The female divine path have to come back in the mind of the whole people ASAP! and FREE THE GODDESS

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"L'idea della divinità, è l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel

