🕉 La civiltà odierna deve tener conto di questo fattore per proseguire correttamente la sua evoluzione; perché nelle 'vesti del bene' oggi gli asura diventano educatori, politici, ed influencer di vario genere. Pertanto non bisogna credere alle apparenze, né tantomeno alle presunte evidenze.., gli obbiettivi da raggiungere sono le conoscenze. Con queste si sconfigge il male 🕉

Il Mio Grande Amore Parvati ॐ

ॐ Onore a Te, Divina Parvati Dolce Dea dell'Universo Sono in cammino verso di Te Dove sei?.. tra lo spazio temporale Sei n...

14 gennaio, 2014

Poet: Adi Shankaracharya

Six Pada on Nirvana
I am not mind, wisdom, pride, and heart. Neither I am ear and tongue nor I am nose and eyes. Neither I am sky or earth nor I am power or wind. I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||1||

I am not the state of being alive or the five type of Vayu. Neither I am the seven elements constituting the body (Dhatu) nor I am the five sheaths which invest the soul. Neither I am voice, hand, or leg nor I am the portion at the bottom of waist (anus or Linga). I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||2||

I am not the state of envy and passion or the emotions of greed and attachment. Neither I am intoxication nor I am the emotion of jealousy. And I am not even the four Purushartha — Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||3||

I am not Punya (good deed), Paap (Sin), Saukhya (friendship), or Dukha (Grief). Neither I am chants (Mantra) or Shrine (Teertha) nor I am the Veda or the sacrifice and oblation. Also, I am not the food, or the one that should be eaten, or the eater. I am eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||4||

Neither I am the fear of death nor I am the difference between races. Neither I am [any relation like] father, mother, nor I am born. Also, I am not a relative, a friend, a teacher (Guru), or a student (Shisya). I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||5||

I am free from changes, and lack all the qualities and form. I envelope all forms from all sides and am beyond the sense-organs. I am always in the state of equality — there is no liberation (Mukti) or captivity (Bandha). I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||6||

Poet: Adi Shankaracharya

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"L'idea della divinità, è l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel

