🕉 La civiltà odierna deve tener conto di questo fattore per proseguire correttamente la sua evoluzione; perché nelle 'vesti del bene' oggi gli asura diventano educatori, politici, ed influencer di vario genere. Pertanto non bisogna credere alle apparenze, né tantomeno alle presunte evidenze.., gli obbiettivi da raggiungere sono le conoscenze. Con queste si sconfigge il male 🕉

Il Mio Grande Amore Parvati ॐ

ॐ Onore a Te, Divina Parvati Dolce Dea dell'Universo Sono in cammino verso di Te Dove sei?.. tra lo spazio temporale Sei n...

20 giugno, 2018

Le armi brevettate del controllo mentale

1 commento:

  1. “[E]lectrical signals provide the most efficient method of transmitting information within the body. No living creature could survive without electricity, because the body is, in essence, an electrical machine.” (Chase, 2006, Introduction).

    Electricity, magnetism and electromagnetism are interconnected phenomena, including in the brain. All electromagnetic waves are mathematically identical with relationships along a continuum known as the electromagnetic spectrum, for example microwaves, light and also the kilohertz oscillations by the neurons in the brain. (Gilder, Telecosm, 2000, p. 16).

    First two sentences from December 29, 1939 New York Post, “We're All Radio Stations, Columbia Scientists Reports, All Atoms, in Humans or in Steel, Found to Emit and Receive Long Waves."

    Technologies to access the brain provide further clues of secret neuroweapons

    It becomes relevant that today, unclassified neuroscience lacks technologies that can access the brain remotely although such tools are based on well-known physics principles. Even Obama’s Brain Mapping Project is focused on molecular biology and does not include plans for technologies to access the brain remotely, in spite of the preference for noninvasive remote methods. For example, invasive surgeries performed on healthy human subjects in experiments are unethical. I. I. Rabi, cited above in the "radio receivers newspaper article, won the 1944 Nobel Prize in physics for his resonance method or radiofrequency spectroscopy. Rabi was one of nine scientists--mostly physicists—who played a role in the development of the MRI, a machine that can scan the brain at a distance, although with huge magnets nearby.



"L'idea della divinità, è l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel

