🕉 La civiltà odierna deve tener conto di questo fattore per proseguire correttamente la sua evoluzione; perché nelle 'vesti del bene' oggi gli asura diventano educatori, politici, ed influencer di vario genere. Pertanto non bisogna credere alle apparenze, né tantomeno alle presunte evidenze.., gli obbiettivi da raggiungere sono le conoscenze. Con queste si sconfigge il male 🕉

Il Mio Grande Amore Parvati ॐ

ॐ Onore a Te, Divina Parvati Dolce Dea dell'Universo Sono in cammino verso di Te Dove sei?.. tra lo spazio temporale Sei n...

14 ottobre, 2018

Happy Durga Puja at all: Mother of the Universe

OM... I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship. Thus gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in. Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them, – each man who sees, breathes, hears the word outspoken. They know it not, yet I reside in the essence of the Universe. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it. I, verily, myself announce and utter the word that gods and men alike shall welcome. I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him nourished, a sage, and one who knows Brahman. I bend the bow for Rudra [Shiva], that his arrow may strike, and slay the hater of devotion. I rouse and order battle for the people, I created Earth and Heaven and reside as their Inner Controller. On the world's summit I bring forth sky the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean as Mother. Thence I pervade all existing creatures, as their Inner Supreme Self, and manifest them with my body. I created all worlds at my will, without any higher being, and permeate and dwell within them. The eternal and infinite consciousness is I, it is my greatness dwelling in everything.
Devi Sukta, Rigveda 10.125.3 – 10.125.8 ************************************************************************Durga is the Mother Goddess. She is the ultimate symbol of female energy and dynamism. In fact, she is regarded as the Supreme Power. She is the Shakti (power) behind Shiva. Durga killed the mighty demon Mahishasur and restored peace and balance in the universe. Durga has numerous names and each name denotes a certain aspect of the Goddess. Some of Her popular names include Parvati, Sati, Ambika, Chamundeswari and Kali. In the form of Parvati she is the consort of Lord Shiva and the mother of Lord Ganesha and Karthikeya. As Shakti, she nurtures the whole universe. She is also regarded as the subtle spiritual energy called Kundalini. According to Hindu scriptures there are seven centers (chakra) of awareness in the human body. By awakening Kundalini through the practice of Yoga and meditation one can experience the higher realm of existence.
Sati Temple Kathmandu
Sati Temple Wikipedia 
The temple name originates from guhya (cave) and ishwari (goddess). Non-Hindus are not allowed to enter this temple, why?. Guheswari Temple is located near Pashupatinath Temple.
 + Tantric Power Places/ Guhyeshwari Temple (Kathmandu Valley) ********* "She is said to be the great creator, observer and annihilator as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha have emerged from the fountain head of her appearance. She being the fulcrum of Prakrti (illusion) is the Goddess of Maya. There is a clear inclusion of dualism and not dualism here. She is Pancasakti, Dashamahavidya, Navadurga, Annapurna, Katyayani and Lalitamba. She is not only a male energy but also a female energy. She is power and powerful both. She is shown as Prakrti. The term 'Prakrti' stands for 'Pra+Kr+Ti' (as we know that all objectivity apart from the pure absolute subject consists of three 'gunas'). 'Pra' stands for Sattva, purity, goodness contemplation; 'Kr' for Rajas, smartness, the state of being active; 'Ti' for Tamas, 'evil passion'." From the book: 'HINDU GODS GODDESSES Spiritual and Scientific approach', Pandit Harendr Upadhyay, Pilgrims Pubblishing, Varanasi.*********

3 commenti:

  1. + Shakti Sadhana Org: LAlitA SahasranAma

    [707] guhyarUpini

    [1] With the secret form

    [Answer] All the ordinary ideas, ie of duality, etc are only true for a time, but non-duality is ever true. This [non-duality] is most secret [guhya] not perceivable by ordinary vision; rUpa, the form [her nature]. The Su-sam [IV. 47. 69] says, "We adore Devi who assumes the form of the guru, secret in the form of secret knowledge, beloved by her secret devotees, residing in the secret place" Thus by attributing two forms to the one BrAhman the two kinds of scriptures are reconciled. Guhya means the Guhya Up. which is her form. The KUrma Pr. in describing the glory of Devi says, "Among the Upanisads, O Devi you are the Guhyopanisad"

    [2] Her form is secret, beyond the senses. She is the Power and Truth, Satta, behind the phenomenal Universe, and hence She is unseen and "secret".

    Alternatively, there is an Upanisad by the name Guhyopanist; She is that also.

  2. Can you immagine if She were here now, between the human beens but in the hands of the dominant organizations in the world like the catholich church and masons producing this problematic society for most, and quite easy and joyful for few?. Well.. actually it is exactly like this. And for what it is happening both in the spiritual and fisical ways, this is absolutely a big problem influencing all the umanity and making trouble for the continuation of the entire Universe. If She is here, will be for an important reason. During the cold war that I am fighting for, since the last 2 years can be called definitly a war, involving chemical and psycotronic weapons thank's why I loose 6 teeth in short time; in a while of that time that I was sleeping in the Turin streets and parks according to the persecution plans by the two named religious organisations because who I am. Endeed under 'atropina' (drug) effect I do I wrote to the chief of the Turin police to notice that an year ago. But no reply. No reply to any of my official complain made up for the 'Procura della Repubblica', where officialy police, carabinieri and guardia di finanza take orderds. Just silence and torture going on all around me in a life becomed a 'Truman show' for using their hollywood films in example or reference, to quickly understand what I am talking about. The question is.. who give orders to the chief of the italian police? The answer is the masons. Parvati is the essence in terms of soul, spirit and consciousness, of the woman that was working cleaning all around my residence for almost two years untill the day, I repeat, the day after that I got this information, I never met Her anymore; but we are in contact anyway, obviously, not fisicaly but.. the news aren't funny. She contacted me yesterday right when I publish this article. I love Her. Every Thursday for two years, in morning time I was waiting Her to see the face behind the door, by the hole. Few time I leaft my house just to speak to Her. I know Her. Why the italian people want to make me unhappy? Why the chief of the police didn't reply me? May he is scared to talk to me for about the microchip and the computer which is connected to my head, which is an interesting argoument to keep, I mean: who give to this city the right to implant microchip in to my body?, it is actually an intersting question that I would really like to ask to some one in this city. I am sure that is for this.

    1. Or May, I have to ask to Santo Marcianó, the archbishop, spiritual chief of all italian soldiers


"L'idea della divinità, è l'idea di tutte le idee" - F. Schlegel

